Damp and Mould

Understanding the causes of damp and mould in your home and knowing how to prevent them is crucial.

Read on to find out more...

Damp and Mould

How does damp and mould form in your house?

Damp and mould form in your house due to excess moisture, often caused by poor ventilation, condensation, leaks, or high humidity levels. This moisture provides an ideal environment for mould spores to grow and spread.

How can you prevent damp and mould?

Preventing damp and mould involves a few simple steps:

  • Ventilate Your Home: Ensure proper airflow by using extractor fans, opening windows slightly, and keeping doors closed when cooking or bathing.
  • Reduce Moist Air: Dry clothes on a drying rack near an open window or outside. Use lids on cooking pans and fill the bath with cold water before hot to minimise condensation.
  • Wipe Away Condensation: Regularly wipe condensation from windows, sills, and other surfaces to prevent mould growth.

Can you remove mould yourself?

Yes, you can remove small amounts of mould yourself. Here’s how:

  • Use a Mould Remover Kit: Follow the instructions on the kit to clean mould from windowsills or bathroom sealant.
  • Safety First: Wear gloves and a mask while cleaning to avoid inhaling spores.

Additional Tips to Manage Moisture:

  • Dry Clothes Properly: Avoid drying clothes on radiators. Instead, use a drying rack next to an open window or dry them outside.
  • Use Extractor Fans: Always use extractor fans when cooking or bathing to reduce moisture in the air.
  • Keep Furniture Away from Walls: Ensure there’s a gap between furniture and walls to allow air circulation.

What should you do if mould persists?

If you’ve tried to remove the mould and it continues to reappear or get worse, it’s essential to contact your housing association. Persistent mould could indicate underlying issues that require professional repairs.

When to Seek Our Help:

  • Recurring Issues: If mould keeps coming back despite your efforts.
  • Large Areas of Mould: When mould covers a large area, it’s best to call in professionals to handle the cleanup safely.
  • Leaks and Structural Damp: If you suspect leaks or structural dampness, report it immediately for professional assessment and repair.

See our video on damp and mould